My work
It is particularly important to me that you feel comfortable with me. I want to treat my patients as equals. As an osteopath, I want to understand the causes and treat them individually. That's why I take enough time for the anamnesis.
The examination based on orthopedic, neurological and osteopathic tests, together with the other findings from the anamnesis, form the basis for your individual treatment. I include existing diagnoses and previous illnesses, factors such as posture, trauma and diet in my working method. Exercises that I give you complete my treatment.
For me, human health is multifaceted and complex. Therefore, I do not see osteopathy as a competitor to other conventional medical or alternative therapy methods. I am very interested in an interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation with doctors from various disciplines as well as therapists in alternative medicine, obstetrics, physiotherapy, ergotherapy and speech therapy etc.
since 2021 — self-employed Osteopath
2016 - 2021 — Bachelor of Science Osteopathy
4-year full-time Bachelor — Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, Berlin
since 2020 — state-certified alternative practitioner
Health Department Berlin-Lichtenberg
since 2020 — Member of the Association of Free Osteopaths e.V.
Training courses and international congresses
Training as a children's osteopath IFAO
Institute for Applied Osteopathy
Peritoneal adhesions - postoperative scar treatment according to the Liedler concept Michaela Liedler MSc DO
Manipulation course for women: spine and hips Lucia Pereira PGDO B.Sc. (Hons) East.,
Cranial osteopathy - Latest findings
in science and practice
Fascial approaches in osteopathy
clinical context
Osteopathic philosophy and models in practice